Auto Workers Local Reaffirms Opposition to War- The Eagle Weeps!
Note: The day after the beginning of war in Iraq, the leaflet below was published by leaders of United Auto Workers Local 600 at the Ford Rouge plant in Dearborn, Michigan.
On February 22, a public forum sponsored by the Detroit Labor Committee for Peace and Justice was held at the Local 600 hall. Former local president and current UAW International Executive Board member Bob King was one of many speakers against the impending war with Iraq.
Earlier, Local 600's General Council had resolved that "UAW Local 600 goes on record as opposing any invasion of, or war with, the nation of Iraq" and has asked the UAW International to consider such a resolution. The International took no position, citing split opinions on the Executive Board, but IEB members King, Elizabeth Bunn, and Richard Shoemaker appeared on the podium at a large Detroit anti-war rally in February.
George W. Bush has now taken the first step in the invasion of Iraq. This is his response to a failing economy, massive job losses, and unfair trade practices that have, for the year 2002, the largest U.S. Trade deficit imbalance in history.
Instead of spending the billions and billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars on buying a coalition to rubberstamp invading Iraq, the cost of the military buildup and subsequent occupation, those dollars could be better spent here at home on the war against high-cost prescription drugs for the elderly, the lack of healthcare coverage for millions of American families, joblessness, poverty, education and homeland security.
None the less, George W. Bush's thirst for invasion becomes this administration's top priority.

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He has tried to justify his actions by telling the American people and the world that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, a regime change is needed, Saddam has ties to Al-Qaida, etc., and now calls his actions a humanitarian rescue mission. Quietly, contracts have already been signed with companies to rebuild Iraq, and oil companies are in a bidding war to take over the second largest deposit of oil in the world, Saudi Arabia being number one.
Not one U.S. serviceman or woman should forfeit their life fighting in Iraq, which will only lead to lining the pockets of big business and big oil contributors to the administration. Our troops should not pay the ultimate price for corporate profits.
The potential loss of U.S. troops and civilians in Iraq should weigh heavily on us as a nation.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to our brave fighting men and women in harm's way and to the families left behind who agonize over the safety of their loved ones.
With the uncertain reaction by terrorists to the invasion of Iraq, UAW Local 600 volunteered its services to the American Red Cross as a primary location for blood drives in case of a homeland disaster or emergencies. We ask you to give blood in the event blood is requested.
Jerry Sullivan, President
Rory L. Gamble, 1st VP
Bernie Ricke, 2nd VP
Al Murlone, Recording Sec'y
Russ Leone, Financial Sec'y
Denise Kregoski, Trustee
David Freeman, Trustee
Davine T. Wilson, Trustee
Wendell Henderson, Sergeant-At-Arms
Mark DePaoli, Guide
John Massenberg, BPC
Loretta Burrell, DSP
Gary Walkowicz, DAP
Willie Barry, DEFTP
Jimmie D. Williams, Frame
Tony Trupiano, M&C
Joe Carley, Steel M&C
Stanley King, Steel UNIT
Frank Fabrizio, Parts Depots
John Perniciaro, T&D
Bill Ruber, Trans
Steve Stamper, Milan
Naomi Harris, Health Care
Waddell Johnson, Retirees' Chapter