WEBINAR: Don't Die for Wall Street: Essential Workers on Why Everyone Else Should Stay Home
Lacking personal protective equipment like gowns, New York City nurses resort to wearing trash bags.
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Defying health experts who say we need a five-week national lockdown, Republicans and employers are pushing for workers to endanger themselves and everyone around them by returning to work in April.
The Denier in Chief is leading the charge to get everyone back on the job. Essential workers are living with how bad things are now--and they know how bad it will get if millions start defying doctors' orders.

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On this webinar, hear from workers on the frontlines as they discuss what they're dealing with, how they’re fighting for better conditions, and why everyone else should stay home. And if employers do demand everyone back to work, how workers can band together to #ShutItDown.
This webinar will be held on Monday, March 30 at 7:00 p.m. EST.
You must register to participate in this webinar. Please register here.