Register Now for the Labor Notes April 2008 Conference and Get $35 Off!
“I’ll be there!” says Rose Ann DeMoro, Executive Director of the California Nurses Association, who will be a main session speaker. "Labor must be in the forefront of the broad social movement we need to win single-payer health care reform. For unions, it is the only solution to the escalating employer demands for health care takeaways and cost shifting, and the best way to fight outsourcing of jobs to other countries. The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee is a longtime critic of corporate, insurance-based medical care and incremental reforms. We look forward to working with other labor activists at the Labor Notes Conference on this fundamental campaign.”
Join Rose Ann DeMoro and a thousand other activists from unions, worker centers, and grassroots movements for the conference that's putting the movement back in the labor movement! It's energy like this that keeps labor activists coming back to the Labor Notes Conference, year after year. This is our chance to celebrate our victories, take stock of our setbacks, and prepare for the future.
Conference themes include:
- Workplace: Winning power on the job, shop floor organizing and resisting workplace restructuring.
- Fighting Concessions: While many companies cry broke we will explore what we can do to fight back rather than give back.
- Organizing: Organizing strategies that work to increase our numbers.
- Health Care Now: How can labor respond to the problem of the U.S.' broken health care system?
- Rebuilding the Labor Movement from the Bottom Up: Organizing for revival from below, connecting with worker centers and non-majority unions and building practical cross-federation solidarity.
- Immigrant Rights: How can the labor movement deepen our alliances with workers fighting for a right to live and work free of government harassment and employer intimidation?
- International Solidarity vs. Competition: Overcoming the race to the bottom by building solidarity across borders.
We will offer more than 40 workshops on topics including:
- Labor History
- Flyers and Newsletters
- Assertive Grievance Handling
- Internal Organizing: Key to a Strong Union
- Getting Ahead of Globalization
- Taking Control of the Workplace: A "Continuous Bargaining" Approach
- Contract Campaigns
- Fighting Blame the Worker Health and Safety Programs
- Running for Local Union Office
- Dealing with the Media
- Strategic Planning: Building a Strong Local
- Creative Tactics
- Pension Crisis 101
- Strike Strategy
Registration is $80 ($115 after the early bird discount ends on February 15) and includes three days of workshops and meetings, as well as a Saturday banquet dinner. To register go to: or call Anna at 313-842-6262 or email conference [at] labornotes [dot] org.

Give $10 a month or more and get our "Fight the Boss, Build the Union" T-shirt.
The conference is at the unionized Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dearborn, adjacent to Detroit, Michigan. Room details: Single/double $111, triple $131, quad $151. To book your room, or for other hotel information, go to: or call 313-593-1234. You must mention “Labor Notes Conference” to get these rates.
Air Travel: Fly Northwest Airlines and get 7% off if you book your ticket by March 8 (5% discount after March 8). To book online go to and select the "NWA Discount Travel E-Cert Redemption" link on the flight search page. When prompted for "E-Cert Fare, electronic voucher or meeting agreement" select "Meeting Agreement/WorldFile Number" and enter the promotion code NMDCZ. Northwest provides reservation assistance at 1-800-328-1111. Labor Notes will periodically send information on other discounted flights from major U.S. cities over our email list. Go to to sign up.
Email anna [at] labornotes [dot] org or call 313-842-6262 and we will send you our conference brochure.
Or help us build the conference by starting an organizing committee in your area. As part of a local organizing committee you can join in conference calls to coordinate this work around the country. Start bringing together a local organizing committee today by contacting local labor activists, and beginning work on a local organizing plan to fundraise, promote, and arrange for a group from your area to attend the conference. Contact anna [at] labornotes [dot] org for help.
Sign up to Labor Notes email list, "Update at Labor Notes" to get updates on the workshops, featured speakers, and other Conference information. You can sign up for the list at
For more information go to, call 313-842-6262, or email anna [at] labornotes [dot] org.