Bay Area Troublemakers are gathering for a day of skill-building workshops, education, and strategy discussions for worker activists, union members, students, and community activists to put some movement back in the labor movement.
Budget cuts, union-busting, privatization, and corporate outsourcing schemes are wreaking havoc on working people in the Bay Area and worldwide. We need a strong, fighting labor movement to take on these anti-worker attacks. »
Join us for a discussion of How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers, hosted by the Kalamazoo Education Association with a presentation from Labor Notes author Jane Slaughter. Come to discuss what we can learn from the Chicago Teachers and how we can tackle the challenges Michigan teachers face. »
Calling all troublemakers! That means you: union members, shop stewards, worker center activists—everyone who's ready to put some movement back in the labor movement. Labor and community activists from around the Puget Sound area are coming together for a day of workshops and sessions to hone our skills, talk strategy, build solidarity, and recharge.
Photo by Bette Lee.
Calling all troublemakers! From teachers to bus drivers, retail workers to government employees, farm workers to nurses, we are rebuilding solidarity while fighting for a better world for working people.
The Labor Notes Troublemakers School is a place for troublemakers of all kinds—community organizers, union shop stewards, and labor activists—to come together for a day of skill-building workshops and strategy discussions to create a stronger workers’ movement in Portland. »
Join Labor Notes, Teamsters for a Democratic Union, and the Association for Union Democracy for our first annual 2014 Holiday Party!
Celebrate 2014.
We're wrapping up a year of conferences, conventions, events, wins, a new book, and our growing organizations. Let's drink to that! »
Join us for a discussion of How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers, hosted by Educators Network for Social Justice and the Milwaukee Teachers Education Association with a presentation from Labor Notes author Samantha Winslow. Milwaukee area teachers will share lessons learned from the CTU campaign and how they apply to local campaigns. »
Budget cuts, union-busting, privatization, and corporate outsourcing schemes are wreaking havoc on working people in the DC Metro Area and worldwide. We need a strong, fighting labor movement to take on these anti-worker attacks. »
Online registration is now closed, but walk-ins are welcome! Just show up on Sunday and we can register you on the spot. Please try to arrive around 9 a.m.
Calling All Troublemakers!
Vermont Labor Solidarity Committee and Labor Notes present:
Vermont Troublemakers School 2014
When: Sunday, November 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. »