Test Your Wits in Our First-Ever Crossword Puzzle

Us vs. Them: Organizing for Worker Power
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1. Every good meeting ends with these
10. How it feels when our strategies don’t work
11. Powerful word when said by a united group of workers
12. Shares island with Haiti (abbr.)
13. Eugene Debs’ party (abbr.)
15. Kind of low-income housing (abbr.)
18. _____ welfare: description of how government helps big business
23. One type of migrant worker that Woody Guthrie sang about
24. We need a strong majority ___ board in order to beat the boss
25. Replaced by cassettes and CDs
27. You don’t need to be a hero or an ____ to be a good organizer
28. Zoom prerequisite
30. Perfect
31. Advocates of 32 Across say budgets can’t have these
32. Spending cuts + attack on public sector = _____
35. ___ is not enough to have all the right arguments
36. Management uses different wage ____ to divide workers
37. We’re strongest when every member ____ to every rally
39. Powerful worker tool not used enough
44. Right-wing group that likes the Second Amendment more than any other (abbr.)
45. Can’t we just use our superpowers to ____ the capitalists?
48. Nothing ___ a flagging movement like a big victory
50. First month in Cuba
52. When we ___, we win!
54. The kind of details we often hear from oppressed workers
56. Pennies, for example
58. Worker who uses 41 Down
59. The kind of transition we need from fossil fuels
60. Popular disinfectant these days
61. Bold and brash—but why mostly applied to women?

Give $10 a month or more and get our "Fight the Boss, Build the Union" T-shirt.
1. Montgomery bus boycott state (abbr.)
2. Worker who maybe doesn’t belong in our unions
3. You are familiar in France or Spain
4. It ___ ___ to be an activist these days!
5. Yiddish cry of frustration
6. When the contract isn’t great or terrible; it’s ___
7. Before ergy and thusiasm—needed by our movement
8. Office threatened with privatization
9. MLK or JFK, for example
12. We need more than a few leaders to ___ the work of the union
14. What austerity is ultimately all about
16. What good organizing is all about
17. When the public sector is starved of funds, it makes it easier to ___
18. We want employers to ___ the high road instead of austerity
19. We had hoped __G would stay alive a few more months
20. What we build through our 16 Down
21. When we get ___ ___ reception from management, we’re probably doing something right
22. What every organizing conversation should include
26. A campaign needs a good one to grab attention
29. ___ ___ had a nickel for each of the boss’s lies…
31. Austerity advocates want to ____ unions
33. A bit of a safety net for laid-off workers
34. The M____ provides pensions to Mass. teachers
38. What charter school advocates were, after Massachusetts unions defeated their expensive ballot measure
40. Concerning
41. Four in Rome
42. Kind of marijuana
43. When the landlord ____ someone, let’s blockade
46. Pissed off
47. They may think workers are their ____, but one day we will be their lords
49. Scratch a traditional politician and you’ll find a big one
51. Kind of worker not covered by the NLRA
53. Nashville is its capital
55. Union chartered when the UE was smeared as communist
57. We demand a ___ about our working conditions
Click here for the answer key.
Ferd Wulkan is an organizer with the Professional Staff Union at UMass Amherst, belongs to Educators for a Democratic Union (the rank-and-file caucus in the Massachusetts Teachers Association), and loves to make up crossword puzzles for events and good causes.