Help Push Us All Forward

Last December, the talk was all about budget deficits, “greedy” public workers, and the swelling heads of the Tea Party.

What a difference this year has seen—starting with the 100,000 Wisconsinites who took to the streets and shut their legislature. Now, the Occupiers have given labor a new voice and a new language for our fight against the 1%.

Labor Notes has been there every day on the web and every month in the magazine, providing the distinctive, independent journalism you’ve come to expect. (Word’s getting around—our website traffic doubled this year.)

But we don’t get big money from unions. Our independence is made possible by your donations. Can you chip in $25 to help Labor Notes thrive?

Labor Notes is the only media source where rank-and-file workers are the starting point of the conversation about rebuilding labor’s power, not the afterthought. We’re proud to be in the thick of the movement, provoking discussion and debate, and providing analysis from within the house of labor.

We can do this because Labor Notes is a trusted source of know-how for union activists. Our educational events are the training grounds for the movement: More than 1,400 activists have participated in our record 10 Troublemaker Schools nationwide this year.

Unions that want to stand up and fight are turning to Labor Notes for strategy seminars on how to take on intransigent politicians and tax-dodging corporate giants.

And the national media is starting to notice, too, with features and commentary appearing this year in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and New York Times—not to mention my regular sparring contests on FOX.



Give $10 a month or more and get our "Fight the Boss, Build the Union" T-shirt.

From the new coalitions emerging to challenge bankers in Chicago, to the Teamsters joining hands with Occupiers to confront powerful symbols of the 1% at Sotheby’s, to the picket captains in the Verizon strike, Labor Notes stalwarts are in the middle of the biggest fights around the country.

The hunger for what Labor Notes has to offer is stronger than ever. The only constraint is the stretched-thin capacity of our small staff.

The fight is in full swing and we need your support to seize the moment. Push us all forward with your tax-deductible donation today.

Thanks for your support.


Mark Brenner, Labor Notes