
Secretos de un organizador exitoso

Our popular book Secrets of a Successful Organizer, is now available in Spanish! (For the English version of the book, click here.)

Nuestro manual popular, Secretos de un organizador exitoso, ya está disponible en español.

¿Hay problemas en su lugar de trabajo? A lo mejor la paga es muy baja, las condiciones son inseguras o su jefe tiene a alguien con quien usted trabaja en la mira… y usted está listo para hacer algo al respecto.


No Contract, No Peace

Don't let your boss be the only one that's informed on your rights as a union member to organize a strike, picket, or action. Robert Schwartz's latest book, a revised third edition of No Contract, No Peace: A Legal Guide to Contract Campaigns, Strikes, and Lockouts, walks union members and leaders through their rights to speak out.

An easy-to-read resource and a powerful tool for any union mobilizing its ranks, this book will help you organize your next contract campaign, work grievance action, or picket.


Running For Local Union Office

Do you think your union needs a new direction? Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work?

Then this book, written by Teamsters for a Democratic Union, is for you. You'll learn how to develop a winning campaign timeline; how to build a slate; the ins and outs of raising money and campaigning; and how to ensure a clean election.

This comprehensive guide includes advice on: Campaign timelines; Picking your slate; Campaigning do's and don'ts; Leaflets, mailings, websites, and more; Raising money; Getting a clean election; Getting out the vote; Dealing with negative attacks;


Democracy Is Power

Do you want to know how to run your local union more effectively or how to get more members involved? Democracy Is Power, by Mike Parker and Martha Gruelle, provides a blueprint for building a member-driven union. They demonstrate what member control really looks like, and why it is crucial to labor's future.

With a focus on union activity in the workplace, the authors describe democratic approaches to contracts, grievances, communications, and leaders’ relationship with members. They shine a revealing light on democratic union culture, yet also address the more obvious parts of democracy, like elections and bylaws.


US Labor In Trouble and Transition

Kim Moody's latest contribution, US Labor in Trouble and Transition tells the story of union decline in America and of the split in the labor movement it led to, following the dismal tale of union mergers and management partnerships that accompanied the retreat from militancy since the 1980s.


The Legal Rights of Union Stewards

Whether you're a new union steward, or simply want to bone up on your legal knowledge for an upcoming campaign, Robert Schwartz's The Legal Rights of Union Stewards is a welcome addition to your library.

This easy to navigate book is a primer on your rights as a steward and walks you through all the basics from the National Labor Relations Act to the grievance process to Weingarten rights.


Stopping Sexual Harassment

This organizing manual highlights a range of tactics that unions and other workers can use to fight sexual harassment, including training sessions, contract language, job actions -- and more.

The shipping cost is included in the price of the book.



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