Alexandra Bradbury

A new program uses Bluetooth-enabled cell phones to report letter carriers’ progress.

Unions are pitching in to stop evictions. “Anyone who’s facing a housing crisis will also have a job crisis story to tell you,” said Tony Romano, part of a coalition that fights foreclosures.

The day a new union is certified, the clock starts ticking—and the crafty boss starts stalling. But it is possible to beat the employer at this game.

Workers marked the holiday and the one-year anniversary of their union vote—and one of the coldest days of the year—with action outside a Brooklyn garage.

Four endangered Bay Area post offices will stay open after all, and the subcontracting of California postal trucker jobs is on hold. Those victories were the latest in a string of local wins for grassroots activists across the country.

Workers at a Portland laundry were scheduled the same way for 30 years--until the company announced it was switching everyone. The contract was no help, and the plant’s only steward had just been wrongfully fired.
