Bundle Subscription to Labor Notes Magazine

Get a monthly bundle of Labor Notes magazine to give to your co-workers, union stewards, or executive board!

Many individuals and locals get a monthly bundle of five to 200 copies to distribute at membership meetings or hand around at work.

Every issue includes a Steward's Corner with how-to advice. All our labor news reporting is written for a rank-and-file audience, with details on not just what workers are fighting for but also how they're doing it.

It's a great way to get ideas for new tactics, start conversations on union strategy, and link up to the inspiration and energy of a wider labor movement.

Individual subscriptions ($30 per year in the U.S.) are also available.

This bundle subscription is for one year, 11 issues. This pricing is only available for U.S. mailing addresses.

A year of 5 copies a month: $40
A year of 10 copies a month: $75
A year of 15 copies a month: $90
A year of 25 copies a month: $100
A year of 50 copies a month: $170
A year of 100 copies a month: $250
A year of 200 copies a month: $300
